Lunes, Hunyo 13, 2011

Anterior Pituitary Hormone

What? What? What is Pituitary Gland?

It is what we called the “master gland”

Located at the base of the brain
That functions as fast as the train.

Alienated into two divisions

Having special missions and vision

First, posterior, called also neurohypophysis
                      Second, anterior, called also adenohypophysis.


         ANTERIOR pituitary gland!

         What is this kind of gland?
          What hormone does it secrete?

          And what do they stimulate?

Controlled by a specific substance

In hypothalamus, nerve cell is in charge

 Calling it as Releasing factors

That act as best as actors

Giving you the first one,

Hormone that stimulates adrenal gland

Also identified as corticotrophin

Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone, is on the list!

Comprises also Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone,  
 Excites thyroid gland, oozing its own hormone

Prolactin is in the street
 Producing the milk on the breast

That newborn baby always desires

to be able to grow, that every mommy aspires

Speaking of growing

Growth hormone is the one who is calling

It is made of protein

Other call it as somatotropin.

Over stimulation causes gigantism

While under stimulation causes dwarfism.

Collectively identified as Gonadotrophins

Responsible in sexual characteristics

Progesterone for females

And testosterone for males.

              Hormone that is so important 
           That every girl and boy want
          Luteinizing and Follicle Stimulating
    The hormone that treat.

Melanocyte-stimulating hormone at last

Functioning like a bomb on a blast

Cleavage product of proopiomelanocortin

Recognized as intermedins.

This is the anterior pituitary

Significant in our body

So have a healthy life

To have a better life!

                                                            Click on the video to listen